Monday, May 30, 2005

so I almost started crying in public today

Jesus would be proud.

I'm at the airport coming home from a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend with my boyfriend/partner/husband-if-we-could and the plane pulling into my gate unloads several, I'm assuming, current members of the Wars-Across-the-Globe campaigns.

And there were a lot of limbs missing. I counted at least 4.

And I almost started crying.

These kids were no older than 22. They were hot. And they were fucking duped. And now one will be on crutches or prosthetics for the rest of his life. And the other was being wheeled around with stumps for legs and a mannequin hand holding his boarding pass.

A bullshit yellow ribbon on my SUV means nothing. Waving a fucking flag at another fucking parade means nothing. And listening to the pill-popping ditto crowd doesn't make me feel any better. This isn't the freedom that I want. For me. For them. For this country.

Because, you know, 20 years from now, where will they be? How many of the homeless amputees in New York City are (or claim to be) veterans? How many of the mental health institutions did Reagan close? How much is the Bush Administration cutting veterans benefits while no one is looking? What are the facts? And does anyone care? And why am I called un-patriotic and un-American for asking these questions?

And this is why I almost started crying. I wanted to give those kids their cardboard signs, piss-stained blankets, their collection of medals and flag pins, and a map to the East Village.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Gotta love Christian Medical & Dental Associations

I foresee bumper stickers for this group:

How Would Jesus Insert a Catheter?

How Much Nitrous Would Jesus Pump?

How Would Jesus Dump a Bedpan?

Which of the Beatitudes covers herpes, cysts, cancer and cavities?

So: when I get to this excerpt
"I guess if you want to see that [homosexual marriage] helps mental health, you may be able to see it," Rogan concedes. However, he adds, "Personally, from my experience, I have not seen that as a strong point for mental health. The people I've dealt with in a professional sense that have been involved in that kind of lifestyle have not been happy people."

I'm just confused. And he's a Christian doctor. and I just don't understand.

So I figure I could make a coupla bucks (you know, for my feather boa, go-go boy habit) off some fun bumper stickers.

I just wish they'd cure leprosy.

Dick Cheney wouldn't be such a threat, then.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Welfare Mother Contest - FIRST ENTRY!

Hooray for the brave soul that submitted the first entry to our "Portrait of the Great Contemporary American Welfare Mom" art contest. As it is a simple pen and ink sketch worthy of coloring books, I may post it here for others to print and color, like those heart-warming Christmas Coloring Contests sponsored by many of our local, hometown newspapers.

I sure hope we can inspire today's youth to think about those less fortunate! We could sure lend them a helpful Christian hand. And - prizes will be awarded for the best entry for the coloring contest! So, if you're feeling you can't compete with those in the original contest, you still have a chance to show off your talent - and WIN!

To get your thinking caps all a-quiver prior to posting the shock and awe-inspiring sketch, consider gathering some of the following materials to add some lifelike texture to your entry in the Coloring Contest for the first entry of our Portrait of the Great Contemporary American Welfare Mom:

Taxpayer money
Black felt for that Mouse hat from Florida
Crumbled marble for the remains of the Savings and Loans of America
More crumbled marble for the remains of the legal institutions of America
More pearls
Grease or oil for the slimy film depicted over the entire sketch
Sequins to make the numbers "41" and "43" on the tiara and crown
More sequins for the tutu and cheerleading outfit
Plenty of gold for all those wedding rings
A flesh-colored crayon
A flesh-colored bear trap
Still more pearls
A tattered flag

That should give all of us a good start! Isn't this exciting?

Be sure to check back frequently to get a jump on the other competitive boys and girls!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Get your Gannon/Cheney glossies! 1 MONTH AWAY!

We only have 1 month until the explosion for salvation event! And good news! Sponsors have been cumming in like gangbusters! Imagine the stroke of luck that has friends of Dorothy and their loving, caring organizations behind us, thrusting us to glory and equality.

Check to see if your local group or church has signed on to our event!

Immanuel Baptist Church Wichita, KS
The Traditional Values Coalition Anaheim, CA
Exodus International Orlando, FL
East End Methodist Church Meridian, MS
Westboro Baptist Church Topeka, KS
National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C.
Danieltown Baptist Church Rutherford, NC
Southern Baptist Convention Headquarters Nashville, TN
Second Baptist Church Springfield, MO
American Family Association Tupelo, MS
Illinois Family Institute Glen Ellyn, IL
Moody Bible Church Chicago, IL
Focus on the Family Colorado Springs, CO
Lexington Parents for Respect Lexington, MA
Liberty Counsel Orlando, FL
Agape Press Tupelo, MS

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Welfare Whore Portrait Contest

Government Welfare Whore Portrait Contest

I'll find something fabulous to give away as a prize, I promise! I want a whole gallery of entries.

As a follow up to the Molotov response post below, I'm announcing an art contest.

Send me digipix of your own artwork depicting your version of the contemporary, typical welfare whore. Gimme a title and brief description. Any media. Any size. The judges (me and my alter ego) are looking for composition, decomposition, statement, ennui, humor and vivid personal flair. No jazz hands, please. Unless...

Remember, I only want a digipix of it, cuz I don't wanna hafta to touch or smell these things.

Judging Hint 1: I don't wanna touch or smell them, but the medium is important! Bonus for real pearls!

I don't think the NEA will be involved.

The small print:
Read the following post if you don't get the idea! I am the judge. I'm final say. Talk to my legal bitches re: your rights and shit. It's a fucking contest. Don't enter if you don't want to win. You have no rights. And - don't bother submitting if it ain't good and ripe. I wanna be able to sniff the coke from your work.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

why the molotovs, you ask

In my unending search for truth in a fair democracy, I am often asked by friends and thought colleagues why I resort to ugliness and bile to communicate my thoughts.

Simply, I don't preach to the choir. And if you are in the choir, you don't realllllly need to listen. But you need to bring your friends, because, hell, we're all sinners.

But they - you know, the CAPITAL T "THEY", don't think they're sinning. And we know that they're the filthiest fucking lot of them all.

JOKE: How many wealthy conservatives are on welfare?

ANSWER: The entire top 2%.

Sad - but if this is how we phrase the joke, then it's not funny at all. Sure there are plenty of people starving in America. But not the top 2%, who probably receive more welfare from the system, all on our sweat. Is this how it's supposed to be?

IMAGINE: We re-paint the national portrait of the typical welfare-mother to look like a 90-year-old, square-legged, whitey battleaxe with a blue dress, white puffy hair, and big baubles called pearls. With an uber-fey hubby and a passle of coke-snorting, S&L looting no-goodniks. We advance the argument. We're on the offensive and in the right, and offensive enough to get noticed. Those in the choir know I'm talking about Barbara "Gubment Teat" Bush. Those not in the choir snicker and agree, cleansed. Or they bring the fight back to us to dirty our noses and have theirs rubbed a bit more.

And we can liberate them from their filth and lies because we have the truth and stand to make no profit off it.

But we have to re-structure the argument and pose real policies as solutions. We can't simply disagree timidly (see Tom Daschle...).

They have the idiot soundbite and the media megaphone in their favor. We have humor, intelligence, wit and the truth on our side.

Friday, May 20, 2005

a serious letter by Johnny FMC - also to be found at the bitch's blog

[big brother watch re-posts this without editorial comments in brackets.]

To my dear right-wing brothers and sisters in Christ,

It's time we had a talk, which is to say, it's time for another Christian who
vigorously disagrees with your theology and political philosophy to try to get
it through your skulls that you all are making big mistakes. Now I understand
that "you all" and "your leaders" cannot be assumed to be the same. But you seem
to go along with whatever these folks tell you to do because of your apparent
belief that the Christian life is comprised of obedience instead of virtue and an
independent engagement with your religion.

I should say right up front that I am a Christian, and as such I have many faults
and hypocrisies of my own and
I am writing sincerely. The main topic of this little
missive is the exercise of power in a secular society by Christians; the concrete
context of such power which I will address below has to do with gays and lesbians.

The Gospel of Matthew instructs Christians to "go out and make disciples of all
nations." Now I hope you realize that "nations" here refers to ethnicities.
Greek word in question (ethne) is often translated "Gentiles," and this is how it
should probably be translated in Matthew 28:19 (yes, I do know what I'm talking
about when it comes to translating the New Testament). Evangelicals call themselves
such because they take this and similar passages of scripture seriously, which is,
of course, fine. Those who hear the message can either receive or reject it as
seems appropriate to them. But even if one goes with "nations" as a translation
of ethne, the text cannot be referring to Rome, or Greece, or Gaul -- or, for that matter,
America or Germany or France -- because the ancient world did not have the same
concept of a nation-state that we do. It hadn't been invented yet [essentially, their
structure was the empire, city-state, territorial or nomadic tribes, among others.]
In fact, it wouldn't be for many more centuries. The early Christians (including Paul)
had no hope of converting all of Rome, so they worked on converting as many subjects
of the Roman empire as they could They eventually came to understand themselves as a
"third race": neither Jews nor Gentiles but something new: Christians.

You all might have a leg to stand on in your argument that the United States was
originally conceived as a Christian nation. I disagree, but I can see how you
would draw this conclusion, since most Americans at the time of our nation's
foundation were in fact Christians. But let's be clear here, America was never
"God's nation" or "the people of God" in the same way that ancient Israel and
Jews of all times and places are. We have no contract with God, no Sinai
experience, no promises to a physical ancestor Abraham. And our founders make
quite explicit that being an American is in no way contingent upon being a
Christian; citizenship is open to people of all religions. But at most points in
our history, Christians were an overwhelming majority and held overwhelming power.

So your nostalgia for the good ole' days, back when we were a Christian nation
and everyone knew it, is really a nostalgia for the days when Christians had all
the power and could make laws that criminalize sins like adultery or other forms
of sexual misconduct -- in other words, when Christians could tell everyone else
what to do.

This brings me to my next point. As far as I know, Christians are never
instructed in Scripture (if such a passage of Scripture does exist, by all means
enlighten me as to where it is) to arm themselves with secular power and force
our moral perspectives on everyone else by laws and by the deprivation of civil
rights guaranteed by authorities that do not explicitly appeal to the Bible (the
Constitution). You guys are seemingly on a mission to "take America back for
the Christians," to turn back the tide of secularization. But converting people to
Christianity and forcing people to conform to Christian moral norms by exerting
power in the public sphere are not the same thing unless your ideal "Christian
society" is what was going on in Medieval Europe.

I freely admit that some sins are also crimes -- murder, for instance. But the
legal standard at work to separate the two has to do with the state's
responsibility to protect its citizens from harm. Teenagers lying to their parents
about why they were out until 3 in the morning might be a sin, but it is not
a crime. Perjury or fraud are definitely sins and are also crimes. Saying that all
sins are socially harmful is not something that non-Christians are going to take
seriously. Why would they? They aren't Christian evangelicals! Lots of sins are
legal, and they should be. How else can Christians fulfill Paul's command for
the church to be a meaningful alternative to "the world"?

Therefore, in order for you to legitimately criminalize homosexuality (which is
apparently the goal behind efforts to support discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation as well as the long-term objective of your leaders), you have
to show not only that it is a sin (a debatable point, although you refuse to
admit it) but that it actually harms society. I hear it repeated over and over again
that gay marriage presents some sort of threat to heterosexual marriage, but I have
never once heard anyone articulate precisely what this threat is. I challenge you
to explain to the rest of us why denying gays and lesbians their right to civil
marriage harms the institution of sacred marriage. And, just so you know,
repeating the same platitudes and citing Leviticus 18 and 20 and Romans 1
does not constitute an explanation. So get on the phone to James Dobson or
the Southern Baptist Convention and tell them that they have some 'splainin to do.

You are free in our culture to tell gays and lesbians that they cannot be part of
your churches. You have that right. The efforts of gays and lesbians to protect
themselves against hate crimes and legal discrimination, and to secure the same
rights as couples that heterosexual couples have, in no way infringes on your
right to object to their sexual behaviors or to ban them from your churches. But when
you flex your political muscles to keep gays and lesbians in their ghettos and
closets by denying them their equal rights as citizens, you unfortunately come across
not as concerned about the decline of morality (which is much more clear in the
abject commercialism of our culture, not to mention the disgusting subversion of our
political system by those who profess Christ, than in the acceptance of gays and
lesbians) but as bigots.

And this label is fair, because bigotry -- fear! -- is your real motive. If you were
really interested in "saving" gays from the "vice" of homosexuality
you would be
trying to convince them and showing real love and concern for their welfare as human
beings instead of shouting in righteous anger about how evil they are through your
political spokespersons.

So please, follow the instruction of Paul that I mention in the letter below. Get
your noses out of other people's business. Nobody is asking you to approve of
homosexuality, just to afford others the rights that you so loudly insist upon for
yourselves. Have you forgotten that a threat to the civil rights of any group in
this country is a threat to the civil rights of all of us? Or, like the white
slaveowners of the south, will you continue the American tradition of gaining rights
for yourselves by taking them from others? Jesus says in John's Gospel
that outsiders will "know you are Christians by your love." You have failed.

Gays and lesbians know you are Christians by your hate.

So get off your damned soapboxes and start rethinking what it means to
be a Christian in our society. And tone down the rhetoric, for goodness' sake.

But in the meantime here's something you can do: find those Scriptures that
instruct Christians to tell everyone else what to do and how to live their lives,
and explain clearly how gay marriage harms straight marriage in general and
Christian marriage in particular. I'm serious, I want to know.

Your brother,

Johnny F. M. C.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Shooting for Salvation - it's a group thing

It has come to my attention from several fabulous lesbian friends that my Million Man Effort for Saturday, June 25 sounds too much like an all-boys thing.

It is and it's not.

First, politically and socially, I really want as many individuals as possible to play for salvation. Men, women, homo, hetero - it doesn't matter - salvation is available to all of us. And should be.
Under the laws of God and man. Who realllllly wants to discriminate when you're on the brink of ecstasy? Duh. So - yes, this event is open to anyone.

Shooting for Salvation
Saturday, June 25, 2005
7 pm local time

Please refer to my post from May 12 for all the details. And in addition to the likenesses of Dobson, Gannon, Robertson for the boys, we can add glossy photos of Lynne and Mary Cheney (together and separate), Tammy Faye Bakker (for nostalgia's sake), Tammy Wynette, and Shirley Dobson (the strong woman behind the man). And, like the men, all will come with crosshairs and splash guards.

And, finally, we will be distributing some addresses to which all the spent, soggy targets can be mailed after our day of spewing for salvation. Imagine the excitement on President Lips' face as he receives thousands of loaded pictures of Jeff Gannon over the next few months. I'm sure Karl Rove has never been more tickled by the thought of office wallpaper arriving piecemeal and pre-moistened.

However, Shooting for Salvation is an all boys event in that I, personally, won't be joined by any women on that day. Nor can I visualize Lynne Cheney's reaction to receiving her new wallpaper. I'm sure she will relegate us, like former someone-of-importance Sen. Kerry, to the denizens of "very bad people". For even insinuating that her wallpaper came (not-so) straight from the hearts, souls and ya-yas of lesbians.

We all have our loads to carry for eternal salvation.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Christian Molotov cocktail from Lucy and Ricky

[big brother watch posted this with editorial comments in brackets.  Some of you
may only want to read the bracketed portions if you're only looking for bitter
vitriol masked as wit and sarcasm, as Brother Reverend Doctor Johnny F. M. C. (which
stands for Fundamentally Mental Christian) is too fucking logical at times and, as
he can't spew in mere soundbites, he really serves as no foil for his intended
neo-fascio-Christian audience. But to those who can read, it's a damned good case.]

To my dear right-wing brothers and sisters [cloaked in bullshit claiming to be]
in Christ,

It's time we had a talk, which is to say, it's time for another Christian who
vigorously disagrees with your theology and political philosophy to try to get
it through your skulls that you all are making big mistakes [take that!]. Now
I understand that "you all" [y'all] and "your leaders" [the talking-head TV
hypocrites] cannot be assumed to be the same [even though you spit the
same venom]. But you seem to go along with whatever these folks tell you to
do because of your apparent belief that the Christian life is comprised of
obedience [drinking the Kool-Aid] instead of virtue and an independent
engagement with your religion [true, honest, devout faith].

I should say right up front that I am a Christian [as am I], and as such I have
many faults and hypocrisies of my own [I, being created in God's image, likeness,
morality and heart, do not] and
I am writing sincerely. The main topic of this little
missive is the exercise of power in a secular society by Christians; the concrete
context of such power which I will address below has to do with gays and lesbians.

The Gospel of Matthew instructs Christians to "go out and make disciples of all
nations." Now I hope you realize that "nations" here refers to ethnicities [or,

in your parlance
, mudhut-dwelling camel jockey tribes: see October 2002 -
March 2003 debate for going to war in Iraq.] The Greek word in question (ethne)
is often translated "Gentiles," and this is how it should probably be translated in
Matthew 28:19 (yes, I do know what I'm talking about when it comes to translating
the New Testament) [I, on the other hand, do not]. Evangelicals call themselves
such because they take this and similar passages of scripture seriously, which is,
of course, fine. Those who hear the message can either receive or reject it as
seems appropriate to them. But even if one goes with "nations" as a translation
of ethne, the text cannot be referring to Rome, or Greece, or Gaul -- or, for that matter,
America or Germany or France -- because the ancient world did not have the same
concept of a nation-state that we do. It hadn't been invented yet [essentially, their
structure was the empire, city-state, territorial or nomadic tribes, among others.]
In fact, it wouldn't be for many more centuries. The early Christians (including Paul)
had no hope of converting all of Rome, so they worked on converting as many subjects
of the Roman empire as they could [imagine the adorably naive missionaries knocking
on your tent flap or mudhut door in their striking crisp white shirts, ties and knapsacks.
They would have been stabbed for being from a different tribe. Now the weak and
lonely invite them in for cookies, tea and conversation about Christ. Or they get
stabbed.]. They eventually came to understand themselves as a "third race": neither
Jews nor Gentiles but something new: Christians.

You all [y'all] might have a leg to stand on in your argument that the United States was
originally conceived as a Christian nation. I disagree, but I can see how you
would draw this conclusion, since most Americans at the time of our nation's
foundation were in fact Christians. But let's be clear here, America was never
"God's nation" or "the people of God" in the same way that ancient Israel and
Jews of all times and places are. We have no contract with God, no Sinai
experience, no promises to a physical ancestor Abraham. And our founders make
quite explicit that being an American is in no way contingent upon being a
Christian; citizenship is open to people of all religions. But at most points in
our history, Christians were an overwhelming majority and held overwhelming power.

[I bet you totally disregarded that entire last paragraph as liberal revisionist
bullshit history. But read it again and then reflect upon Emma Lazarus' little
ditty on the base of the statue of the big dyke in New York Harbor. Limeys,
Micks, Polacks, Jerries and Wops (Christians) don't hold the monopoly on the
words "tired, poor, huddled masses". At the time the statue was erected (see,
I can use that word without snickering, being struck by lightning or vaporising into
hell-bound wickedness) most of the major leaders of Europe were all inter-related,
much like the great American trailer-dwellers we look to for leadership. This isn't
revisionist: so go to a dentist, wash your kids, and learn to read. Your fifth-grade
teacher was, in all likelihood, a fucking retard.]

So your nostalgia for the good ole' days, back when we were a Christian nation
and everyone knew it, is really a nostalgia for the days when Christians had all
the power and could make laws that criminalize sins like adultery or other forms
of sexual misconduct -- in other words, when Christians could tell everyone else
what to do.

This brings me to my next point. As far as I know, Christians are never
instructed in Scripture (if such a passage of Scripture does exist, by all means
enlighten me as to where it is) to arm themselves with secular power and force
our moral perspectives on everyone else by laws and by the deprivation of civil
rights guaranteed by authorities that do not explicitly appeal to the Bible (the
Constitution). You guys are seemingly on a mission to "take America back for
the Christians," to turn back the tide of secularization. But converting people to
Christianity and forcing people to conform to Christian moral norms by exerting
power in the public sphere are not the same thing unless your ideal "Christian
society" is what was going on in Medieval Europe.

[And if you want to go back to Medieval Europe, give everything you own to your
local Catholic priest, have 10 more kids, kill one a year (to account for infant
mortality and disease), and grovel in front of your local mayor (appointed by your
local bishop) for a muddy patch of land with with a sterile heifer, a few trees
and a handful of rotten turnips. Remember, you're halfway there, 'cause you can't
fucking read or think on the first place.]

I freely admit that some sins are also crimes -- murder, for instance. But the
legal standard at work to separate the two has to do with the state's
responsibility to protect its citizens from harm. Teenagers lying to their parents
about why they were out until 3 in the morning might be a sin, but it is not
a crime. Perjury or fraud are definitely sins and are also crimes. Saying that all
sins are socially harmful is not something that non-Christians are going to take
seriously. Why would they? They aren't Christian evangelicals! Lots of sins are
legal, and they should be. How else can Christians fulfill Paul's command for
the church to be a meaningful alternative to "the world"? ["The world", as I see
it, which allows corporations free reign to poison your lives. Ohhh, there are so
many ways true, devout Christians can share their beautiful belief system in this
society,under this structure of government, that are true, honest and good. Can
you spell poverty? And - how many times in the Bible are poverty and iniquity
mentioned? Try to fit Enron or Halliburton (or better yet, Ken Lay or Dick Cheney)
through the eye of a needle.]

Therefore, in order for you to legitimately criminalize homosexuality (which is
apparently the goal behind efforts to support discrimination on the basis of
sexual orientation as well as the long-term objective of your leaders [as
evidenced by your reaction to the Supreme Court ruling re: Lawrence v. Texas]),
you have to show not only that it is a sin (a debatable point, although you refuse to
admit it) but that it actually harms society. I hear it repeated over and over again
that gay marriage presents some sort of threat to heterosexual marriage, but I have
never once heard anyone articulate precisely what this threat is. I challenge you
to explain to the rest of us why denying gays and lesbians their right to civil
marriage harms the institution of sacred marriage. And, just so you know,
repeating the same platitudes and citing Leviticus 18 and 20 and Romans 1
does not constitute an explanation. So get on the phone to James Dobson or
the Southern Baptist Convention and tell them that they have some 'splainin to do.

You are free in our culture to tell gays and lesbians that they cannot be part of
your churches. You have that right. The efforts of gays and lesbians to protect
themselves against hate crimes and legal discrimination, and to secure the same
rights as couples that heterosexual couples have, in no way infringes on your
right to object to their sexual behaviors or to ban them from your churches.
[Likewise we do not have the right to torch your fucking bigoted houses of
worship and sodomize or lynch, to our hearts' content, your membership and
leaders.] But when you flex your political muscles to keep gays and lesbians in
their ghettos and closets by denying them their equal rights as citizens, you
unfortunately come across not as concerned about the decline of morality
(which is much more clear in the abject commercialism of our culture, not to
mention the disgusting subversion of our political system by those who profess
Christ, than in the acceptance of gays and lesbians) but as bigots. [Bigots
deserving to be sodomized or lynched and have their places of worship, and
residence, torched to the fucking ground. Unfortunately, this is not permissible
in the Constitution. Funny, though, that you have a long, fruitful history of enacting
this exact type of malicious behavior against others in American culture. See:
Native Americans, Africans and any other type of racial minority and women.
However, while you are in the minority on this issue, you are protected, and those
of us fighting for legal, Constitutional equality should never resort to your wicked,
disgusting, immoral anti-Christian ways. But we'd like to at times, sure!]

And this label is fair, because bigotry -- fear! -- is your real motive. If you were
really interested in "saving" gays from the "vice" of homosexuality
[with means
other than your offensive and unfounded gay-recovery seminars, videos
, and
lectures] you would be trying to convince them and showing real love and concern
for their welfare as human beings instead of shouting in righteous anger about
how evil they are through your political spokespersons [all the while disregarding
the leading scientific evidence that homosexuality is not a choice].

So please, follow the instruction of Paul that I mention in the letter below. Get
your noses out of other people's business. Nobody is asking you to approve of
homosexuality, just to afford others the rights that you so loudly insist upon for
yourselves. Have you forgotten that a threat to the civil rights of any group in
this country is a threat to the civil rights of all of us? [which you don't believe]
Or, like the white slaveowners of the south [who had their good points, you argue],
will you continue the American tradition of gaining rights for yourselves by taking
them from others? [I argue that this is not possible in a capitalist system, and
fighting poverty, while a more noble, true and pressing Christian problem, is a
battle for another day. And, I've gotta get my hair done.] Jesus says in John's Gospel
that outsiders will "know you are Christians by your love." You have failed.

Gays and lesbians know you are Christians by your hate.

[Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me. Tell me, Rev. Dr.
Johnny, where have I heard that before?]

So get off your damned soapboxes and [in the spare time you have left over from
feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, etc...] start rethinking what it means to
be a Christian in our society. And tone down the rhetoric, for goodness' sake.

But in the meantime here's something you can do: find those Scriptures that
instruct Christians to tell everyone else what to do and how to live their lives,
and explain clearly how gay marriage harms straight marriage in general and
Christian marriage in particular. I'm serious, I want to know.

Your brother [I'm the sister],

Johnny F. M. C.

Friday, May 13, 2005

from a good friend, Johnny F. M. C.

Dr. James Dobson
Focus on the Family

Dear Dr. Dobson,

I saw that you were quoted in the New York Times on January 20th regarding the recent use of the cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants in videos advocating the “homosexual lifestyle,” in particular his appearance alongside Big Bird, Barney, Clifford and JoJo in a version of the disco hit “We Are Family.” I share your concerns, and applaud your efforts to expose the conspiracy to promote the socially dangerous tolerance of gays and lesbians in our bible-based, God-loving America. Your spokesperson, quoted in the article, is absolutely correct that such videos constitute “brainwashing” and a “bait and switch.”

I live in constant fear that God will SMITE our beloved country for accepting sexual deviancy, as he did to the wicked Sodomites in the days of Abraham and Lot. That’s why we must take the fight to the faggots, rooting them out of their closets to protect our childen, families, and dogs from their horrifying predations. The people of God must not sit quietly while the forces of secular humanism devour us from within! They are targeting our children, convincing them that gay people are human, that they deserve the right to pursue happiness, that they deserve the right to marry and adopt children (which God and nature cannot give them because of their perversion). We must protect them at all costs.

I agree that the weenies of our faith (but they are not real Christians, after all) make the fatal error of equating tolerance and Godly love, as if one could treat an infection by giving it a hug. No! God’s love is best expressed by the kind of hostility and righteous indignation exemplified by your organization. We are the ones who really understand what Paul meant when he wrote in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12, that “you yourselves have been taught by God to love one another,” and “to aspire to live, to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we directed you, so that you may behave properly toward outsiders and be dependent on no one.” We are the ones who understand what Jesus meant when he said to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”: he meant to fight those persecutors with the love of God, smiting them and humiliating them as he would do, to let those outsiders know what the love of God really is!

Jesus has given us, his holy church in his chosen nation, America, the right and the power to tell others what to do and how to live their lives. And we know that deep down between the lines, Scripture teaches that the ends justify the means, so with clean consciences let’s be God’s scourge of the forces of Satan.

I would like to propose that the best solution to this problem is simply “re-education camps,” run by your God-loving foundation. We must labor endlessly to have our congress enact legislation to gather up all the homos into secure locations to receive the therapies they need to rejoin the human race, including medications, electroshock (especially to their dirty genitalia and anuses), the rack, hot wax treatments, humiliations and, if they do not change their evil ways, the gas chamber. (No doubt the CIA and representatives of the military can give you valuable advice here.) Your group has created a body of scientific research which will no doubt prove invaluable in their re-education, and the eventual eradication of the social disease of homosexuality. I urge you to contact like-minded members of Congress, for example [Sen.] Rick Santorum [R-PA], to start moving this legislation toward a vote as soon as possible. We do not know when the Lord will return on the clouds with fire and punishment! I will pray constantly that God grant this holy task to you and yours, since he could not possibly trust it to any other.

You, sir, are the conscience of our great nation.

May God’s love guide you in your crusade!

Johnny F. M. C.

payment due

For fear of pissing off all you ex-gays out there.

Do ex-gays really exist?

One of my close friends, the Rev. Donald E. Wildmon, from the American Fascist Association (AFA) thinks I can be cured if I just watch the video. And pray.

Poof! Like that, no longer a poof!

And totally ignore who I was born as and who I am. I remember checking out wee-wees at the pool when I was 4. This totally predates Star Wars, my fascination with Paul Lynde and Charles Nelson Reilly, and jazz, beautiful gardens and the Expressionists. And Bernadette Peters. And Cher. And Madonna. And Sondheim. And Sex and the City. And Will and Grace. And Shakespeare. History. Theater. Storytelling. Life. Education. Honesty. Faith. Respect.

You get the point. I never made the choice to enjoy, follow, study, participate in any of these things. My predilections are natural, and always have been - no matter how many basketball, soccer, football and track teams I played for in my youth. No matter how much I felt that my priest and I had in common. No matter how long I struggled with who I am. No matter how hard it was to accept that for myself. Coming out and telling family and friends was nothing compared to that level of understanding and acceptance.

And, dammit, I wouldn't be so loud and obnoxious about being gay if there weren't so many bigoted, ignorant fucks in this world trying to fuck up my mood all the time. And openly discriminating against me and my people. And legally holding me as less than a complete and full citizen under the Constitution.

Because they vote and claim to have a legitimate voice in this discussion. And they claim to be the victim in this world. They claim it's for the children. They claim it's for the betterment of the culture. They claim it's not Christian.

I claim it's because they live in fear of that day when they're slung up in a sling and gang poked by the football team. They dream it and they want it. Ever notice how many people who are OK with homosexuality are sorta the quiet types, perpetually caught in this tug-of-war between the real victims and the fucking idiots who don't have the spine or the sense to raise their own GD breeder offspring as decent, civilized respectful breeders?

If it's true that I chose to be gay, I want to see your journal entries where you struggled with heterosexuality. I want to see the attempted suicides, the psychological treatment receipt stubs, I want to see the tear-stained pillows. I want to see the claw marks in your straight closet door.

Then I want you offered up to the football team. I want to video it. Then, I'll sell it as your choice to be formerly straight.

And, Rev. Dr. Whatever-you-call-yourself to lend some sort of legitimacy to your offensive, bigoted idiot fuck mindset and lifestyle Wildmon, you better get to the gym. I don't want no toady, flabby gross fuck like you in my sling. Understand, bitch?

Thursday, May 12, 2005

No homosexual agenda here, just another million man effort

Donald E. Wildmon

James Dobson

Pat Robertson

and the others. You know them.

And I'm tired of hearing their filth. But I'm not going to condemn them to hell for living their hate-filled lives. I'm not going to try to silence them. They have their rights to free spewage and to practice whichever witch-hunt brand of sociopathic pseudochristianity they choose.

I've read the good book and know they're wrong. The Beatitudes are the secret of life. Turn the other cheek. All that real-Christian stuff.

But, I'm only another no-name so-called "expert" getting my lazy ass out of the La-Z-Boy to disagree.

We know they're fucking crazy and that they don't know how to read. And I can't imagine what their kingdom of heaven must be. I don't think there are cinder blocks large enough for that front yard...

We know they're trying to mandate and legislate that the rest of the red-state nation should live as we blue-state, hippie, Commie, pinko faggots actually do: as decent, respectful, upstanding, tax-paying, contributing citizens. We know that, generally, we pay the bulk of the taxes, have the lowest divorce and abortion rates, have the highest education and IQ rates, and require the least in return of government services.

And we generally don't live in trailers, have better gardens and support artsy things.

As such, I'm calling for a National Day of Homosexual Masturbation to Eradickate the Evils of the Religious Right. Saturday, June 25, 2005, spend an hour or so with your close buds breaking a sweat to raise funds to stand up and disagree. I'm working to set up a website where eager participants can purchase glossy photos of our spiritual and moral leaders: Jeff Gannon/James Guckert, Pat Robertson, Donald Wildmon, James Dobson and others. I'm sure the Gannon photos will be the hottest sellers, as we won't need to do any Photoshop. But the salvation prizes will be better on the other photos; especially the fucking backwoods, butt-ugly inbred-looking Wildmon. Giving him a facial that day will all but lead to rapture. Nonetheless, crosshairs and scorecards will be provided for each picture.

Shoot Some Ropes for Salvation
Saturday, June 25
7pm local time

What better way to wrap up Gay Pride Month and kick off the parade celebrations for the following day?