Saturday, June 25, 2005

I mention them so much:

you know,

(American Family Association

Fred Phelps: see dictionary entry for "Rapists; Cave-dwelling, cult-founding, kid-touching"

Donald Wildmon: ""One evening in 1977 I sat down with my family to watch TV. On one channel was adultery, on another cursing, on another a man beating another over the head with a hammer. I asked the children to turn off the TV. I sat there, got angry, and said, 'They're going to bring this into my home, and I'm going to do all I can to change it. I brooded for a while and then came up with a plan for our church to turn off the TV for a week. I sent out a press release and the national media picked up on it. Through that 'Turn Off The TV Week' I learned there were literally millions of other people around the country who felt the same way I did. That was the beginning of the American Family Association."

Answer: turn off your fucking TV, dumbass. I grew up without one in my home, and I'm still queer. You idiot. You're from Mississippi, so start by cleaning up your own backyard. You want to legislate the morality you and your neighbors only strive for: that by which we blue-staters generally live. Look up abortion rates, IQ rates, tax dollar expenditures and income, education levels, etc. You bash that which will save you from your red-necked, backwoods, buttfucking, wife-beatin, kid-touchin', shoulda-been-aborted-in-the-first-place destiny. Crawl back under your rock. You short circuit the evolution of my species every day you stay alive.

Rodeo Fudgepackers

Center for Law and Policy

Log Cabin Republicans - yeah, whatever. Are they for real? Karl Rove takes it up the ass and is for fiscal responsibility and a strong military. Just ask Jeff Gannon.

Ellen DeGeneres

Judge Roy Moore - sounds like "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever." Don't idiots like this come to Jesus (for real)?

Gay Edgar Hoover - he gives Donna Karan, Bette Midler, Cher and Madonna - combined - a run for their money.

Roy Cohn - speaking of real men: see "Rove, Karl"

J. Edgar Ashcroft - don't think that you got off the hook because you only serviced in the Fourth Reich for 1 term. Real men don't sing, you wacko religio-fascist. See dictionary under "Jackson, Michael" for details.

Howard Stern

NEA, PBS, CPB, Sesame Street, Letters from Buster, Teletubbies

Kenneth Tomlinson

Condoleezza Rice - "Alighieri, table for two" this guy's for real. Yippee! I bet he even calls himself a Christian. It seems he can't stand to think of anyone else but himself as being a real American (see: Rove, Karl) )

just so google hits us

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Langston Hughes said it right

Democracy will not come
Today, this year
Nor ever
Through compromise and fear.

I have as much right
As the other fellow has
To stand
On my two feet
And own the land.

I tire so of hearing people say,
Let things take their course.
Tomorrow is another day.
I do not need my freedom when I'm dead.
I cannot live on tomorrow's bread.

Is a strong seed
In a great need.

I live here, too.
I want freedom
Just as you.

Monday, June 20, 2005

A simple birthday wish -

I really wanna get married.

Today I turn 33. I'm the oldest single member of my family. All of my siblings (6 - yes, a large, European Catholic family) were married by the time they were 33. Some more than once. I have a niece who is married and a nephew who is already a father.

My boyfriend - and even that title is stupid, now - and I have been together almost 3 years. We have been through enough thick-n-thin to know we're ready to make this a permanent bond. I've had enough of the hedonistic years and have settled into a career and a quieter, calmer, responsible outlook on life.

Sure, I can still be pretty crazy and have an extra martini when I probably shouldn't. However, gone are the days of the up-til-dawn pukefests and the never-say-die running on empty.

Pretty typical maturation, no? I've lived relatively hard - in a sorta sheltered, type-A, middle class way. No - I've not done lines of blow off a go-go boy's pecker, but I've seen the inside of a bathhouse. I've never been arrested, went to college and grad school, worked my ass off in a couple of world-class "Tool-of-the-Man" factory-style cube farms, but I've also qualified for food stamps and have essentially lived out of my car at times. My credit rating is not perfect. Generally, the basic ups-and-downs of a standard American - depending on your perspective. I'm gonna guess pretty average.

Now, however, I'm doing what I've always wanted to do to make a living. I never want to have to retire. I've planned to be at this point for several (10+) years, and I've worked hard to get here. I have reason to give thanks. I've been lucky and blessed. I have a wonderful family and am surrounded by wonderful people who have their heads screwed on straight.

So - what's my fucking problem?

I am single. I want to marry my man.

This isn't a self-centered, insecure plea on my part. Everyone else just gets to up-n-marry whenever the fuck they want. Twice. Shotgun. Vegas. Whatever. Thrice. Annulled. Divorced. Re-married. Whatever.

And that's just in my family. And the Kennedys and Britney Spears.

At this point, politically, socially, culturally, financially - on any level - I will never be an equal.

Husband. Father. We will never be widowers. We will never be divorced. We won't ever be able to celebrate a wedding anniversary. Renew our vows on our 50th at the church. Mourn my husband's death. Be invited to Grandparent's Day at the school. File taxes jointly. Pull the plug. Inherit and bestow.


Some people are born like me. Some people choose to be like me. Some like me bitch and moan about how they wouldn't want that "straight" institution of marriage foisted upon their fabulously freaky lifestyle in the first place. Some would rather condemn me to hell for that lifestyle in lieu of marriage.

And all I want is fair and equal under the laws of our state.

Period. That's the answer. No discussion. No qualifiers.

All men are created equal. This is, first and foremost, what we believe.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Singing for peace, unity and respect causes firestorm of hate
Yippee! And now the Catholics are throwing stones again. Funny, being a former Catholic, I sorta was raised in Catholic Schools to think that any non-Catholic Christian denomination is essentially a cult. You know, the Papal lineage goes back to St. Peter, and anyone who disagreed with all the gold and fabulous costumes, cathedrals and pageantry was just a cheap, whiny bitch. Take your ball and start your own branch, said the pedophiles. We have all the Michelangelo anyway... So, I guess it's good for my blood pressure when I admit ignorance and don't really get upset when the Southern Baptists (the nation's largest Protestant denomination), for instance, spew acid about faggotry, etc.
And yet, as if the Inquisition jokes weren't enough (thanks to Mel Brooks), as if we really understood that Ferdinand and Isabella did a lot more harm than just finance Columbus, as if we really understood that Columbus did more than just discover the New World, we Catholics, former, current, practicing and non- are proving to be just like all the other fundy-christofascists that have been so vocal lately. Granted, the Catholic Church is a little right of Mussolini on most issues, and there are plenty of other Christian denominations that lean left-of-center, but I'm of the belief that a large, silent majority of Catholics exist who aren't so opposed to the homosexuality issue - as long as those active homosexuals are polite. You know - the same voting, Catholic Americans who tend to ignore or disagree with Rome regarding divorce, birth control, abortion, etc.
And I repeatedly call on my friends who are practicing Catholics to stand up in their church and disagree.
And invite the Gay Men's Chorus in your town to sing.
I have personally seen courageous acts from loved ones when it comes to a disagreement between their church and a gay chorus concert.
And, as a result, those who had problems with fags singing in their churches were generally laughed out of committee. Cuz Christ wouldn't act like that.
So, we need to vocally oppose the Catholic hate mongers in Buffalo. Because Catholics should know better than to let the pedophiles preach hate. But also, the Catholics shouldn't start throwing the stones within their glass houses of homosexuality.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

time to burn the Oreo crosses on their lawns

In response to the American Family Association's boycott of Kraft foods for their support of the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago:

Shut the hell up.

Perhaps you'd prefer a burning cross of Oreos on your front lawn.

Or for Rev. Bastard Fred Phelps (who calls his inbred outhouse a church...?!?): Perhaps you'd rather have a Molotov cocktail of Cheez Whiz thrown through the storm-door entrance to your incest temple.

Don-Don Wildmon: Would smothering your 14-year-old son/nephew in Tomato Bacon Ranch and tossin' him on the salad bar of a gay cruise liner shut you the hell up?

You know nothing about me. I'm tired of hearing about you and your illiterate, devout 70-some-odd member church/family reunion cults. I'm surprised you refer to the Bible as your source for justifying your stance. First: learn to read. The good book says nothing about faggotry - at least not in the sense that we know it - and the sense that I ask for the same civil rights under the Constitution. Funny, for someone who claims to be Christian, Christ didn't treat us like this. I'm confidant you'll burn in hell for this.

Second: to 80% of the planet who don't believe the Bible, it's fiction. Get it? Right next to Huckleberry Finn on the bookshelves. And for the 99% of the world's inhabitants who don't drink your Kool-Aid, it's a good book about how to treat others decently. And you missed that point, too, idiot.

I don't care if you have a problem with faggots. Don't suck cock. Simple answer.

And this isn't about the children or the future of society, either. It's about your deep, dark secrets that you fucked the entire football team when you were 16. And you fucking liked it. And you're afraid to admit it or that it'll keep you from fucking more of your church-goers.

Or, you were too fucking ugly, ignorant and annoying in your uneducated self-righteousness to have ever gotten the chance. Go kill yourself, you bitter, closeted cock-chuggin-wannabe queen. We have too much bitterness from the out queens already in this world. We don't need your repressed self-loathing hate-mongering in this world. It's just not Christian.

And - ultimately - it's your kids/nieces/siblings who are the ones we should be praying for.

The questioning ones will probably kill themselves or live in the tortuous closet for life, no doubt carrying on your legacy of bashing the 'mos in their own hate-filled, life-of-fear inbred way.

As for the straighteys: they look good on the dessert table surrounded by Jell-O. At least that'll save them from the ignorant, incestuous smut-world you've developed.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Happy Pride Month

What the hell is pride month? I don't need a month to wear a coat made from a flag of many colors. I carry my beliefs openly and honestly every day of the year. And frankly, I am quite turned off by most of the celebrations and parades - especially now that the whole month seems to be an ad for Budweiser or some similarly-shitty beer to pump their product down our throats. Sexy, perhaps - but for a month? I understand the need to keep our issues alive and in the forefront of our community - and America at large - but a month of this stuff is silly.

The parades are generally held on the last weekend, and now that I'm well into my 30's, I get bored by seeing most of the actual parade.

I go to see the politicians who have the guts to march with the lesbians and gays. I hate the politicians who send their entourage - or worse, the handful of homeless-looking protesters who are marching with the signs and paraphernalia of their favorite politician.

I go to see the police, firefighter and veterans support groups. I want to see the groups from PFLAG, Lambda Legal and the other social and legal groups. I love seeing the churches that march. I'm claiming ignorance: do groups such as these hold events during the month, or is the entire month used for planning their parade get-ups?

See what I'm saying? I'd appreciate a month-long appreciation if it were more than drink specials.