Saturday, June 25, 2005

I mention them so much:

you know,

(American Family Association

Fred Phelps: see dictionary entry for "Rapists; Cave-dwelling, cult-founding, kid-touching"

Donald Wildmon: ""One evening in 1977 I sat down with my family to watch TV. On one channel was adultery, on another cursing, on another a man beating another over the head with a hammer. I asked the children to turn off the TV. I sat there, got angry, and said, 'They're going to bring this into my home, and I'm going to do all I can to change it. I brooded for a while and then came up with a plan for our church to turn off the TV for a week. I sent out a press release and the national media picked up on it. Through that 'Turn Off The TV Week' I learned there were literally millions of other people around the country who felt the same way I did. That was the beginning of the American Family Association."

Answer: turn off your fucking TV, dumbass. I grew up without one in my home, and I'm still queer. You idiot. You're from Mississippi, so start by cleaning up your own backyard. You want to legislate the morality you and your neighbors only strive for: that by which we blue-staters generally live. Look up abortion rates, IQ rates, tax dollar expenditures and income, education levels, etc. You bash that which will save you from your red-necked, backwoods, buttfucking, wife-beatin, kid-touchin', shoulda-been-aborted-in-the-first-place destiny. Crawl back under your rock. You short circuit the evolution of my species every day you stay alive.

Rodeo Fudgepackers

Center for Law and Policy

Log Cabin Republicans - yeah, whatever. Are they for real? Karl Rove takes it up the ass and is for fiscal responsibility and a strong military. Just ask Jeff Gannon.

Ellen DeGeneres

Judge Roy Moore - sounds like "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever." Don't idiots like this come to Jesus (for real)?

Gay Edgar Hoover - he gives Donna Karan, Bette Midler, Cher and Madonna - combined - a run for their money.

Roy Cohn - speaking of real men: see "Rove, Karl"

J. Edgar Ashcroft - don't think that you got off the hook because you only serviced in the Fourth Reich for 1 term. Real men don't sing, you wacko religio-fascist. See dictionary under "Jackson, Michael" for details.

Howard Stern

NEA, PBS, CPB, Sesame Street, Letters from Buster, Teletubbies

Kenneth Tomlinson

Condoleezza Rice - "Alighieri, table for two" this guy's for real. Yippee! I bet he even calls himself a Christian. It seems he can't stand to think of anyone else but himself as being a real American (see: Rove, Karl) )

just so google hits us


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