Wednesday, June 08, 2005

time to burn the Oreo crosses on their lawns

In response to the American Family Association's boycott of Kraft foods for their support of the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago:

Shut the hell up.

Perhaps you'd prefer a burning cross of Oreos on your front lawn.

Or for Rev. Bastard Fred Phelps (who calls his inbred outhouse a church...?!?): Perhaps you'd rather have a Molotov cocktail of Cheez Whiz thrown through the storm-door entrance to your incest temple.

Don-Don Wildmon: Would smothering your 14-year-old son/nephew in Tomato Bacon Ranch and tossin' him on the salad bar of a gay cruise liner shut you the hell up?

You know nothing about me. I'm tired of hearing about you and your illiterate, devout 70-some-odd member church/family reunion cults. I'm surprised you refer to the Bible as your source for justifying your stance. First: learn to read. The good book says nothing about faggotry - at least not in the sense that we know it - and the sense that I ask for the same civil rights under the Constitution. Funny, for someone who claims to be Christian, Christ didn't treat us like this. I'm confidant you'll burn in hell for this.

Second: to 80% of the planet who don't believe the Bible, it's fiction. Get it? Right next to Huckleberry Finn on the bookshelves. And for the 99% of the world's inhabitants who don't drink your Kool-Aid, it's a good book about how to treat others decently. And you missed that point, too, idiot.

I don't care if you have a problem with faggots. Don't suck cock. Simple answer.

And this isn't about the children or the future of society, either. It's about your deep, dark secrets that you fucked the entire football team when you were 16. And you fucking liked it. And you're afraid to admit it or that it'll keep you from fucking more of your church-goers.

Or, you were too fucking ugly, ignorant and annoying in your uneducated self-righteousness to have ever gotten the chance. Go kill yourself, you bitter, closeted cock-chuggin-wannabe queen. We have too much bitterness from the out queens already in this world. We don't need your repressed self-loathing hate-mongering in this world. It's just not Christian.

And - ultimately - it's your kids/nieces/siblings who are the ones we should be praying for.

The questioning ones will probably kill themselves or live in the tortuous closet for life, no doubt carrying on your legacy of bashing the 'mos in their own hate-filled, life-of-fear inbred way.

As for the straighteys: they look good on the dessert table surrounded by Jell-O. At least that'll save them from the ignorant, incestuous smut-world you've developed.


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