Gotta love Fred Phelps
Here's a page from the all-too-funny and sad website:
And a really scary page comparing the rhetoric of anti-semitic Nazi propaganda and current anti-gay spewing:
And a link to another of the Westboro Baptist Church's fliers:
Where are the righties calling for the head of Fred Phelps? It's obvious Fred's not really in support of our troops - or our policies and the war (perhaps solely for our homosexual ties), but no one from the wrong side of the aisle is calling for his citizenship to be revoked - much less labelling him an unpatriotic traitor. Perhaps it's because his particular form, content and behavior is appealing to them: he's doing the dirty anti-fag work that they wish they could do politically.
But it's all too funny, no? Certainly he and his inbred followers are lunatics!
He seems like the same sort of fundamentalist religious, anti-American wacko that we're battling in Iraq and around the world. Yet, the right-wing media loves him for his anti-fag beliefs and refuses to confront him for his anti-American beliefs.
And why the hell doesn't Fred Phelps follow Jeff Gannon, Ken Mehlman, Karl Rove, et al picketing their every bathhouse move? He's so web savvy, I'm sure he's seen Go Bulldog!
Hypocrites, all.
So - if you're up for protesting the Westboro Inbreds, here's a link to a map to their church. Notice how small they really are...
And if this world is so bad, I wonder what Fred Phelps' hell will be like when he gets there.
I'm guessing a sling and a lot of horned-up, ex-GI bears would be appropriate. To some of us, that sort of eternity doesn't seem so bad.
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